Sistema de Factura Electronica

As of May 1st, we have implemented ‘Factura Electronica’ system as required by Panama legislation.

After your order is Completed, you receive automatically generated ‘Factura Electronica’ (Electronic Invoice), registered with the government authorities in Panama.

Panama started its electronic invoicing system (SFEP) in 2016. The project consisted of several phases: design, construction, voluntary pilot project and massification.

The pilot project was launched with the publication of Resolution No. 201-5784 of the Directorate General of Taxes (DGI). The resolution described the technical characteristics of electronic invoicing and the names of the companies authorized to invoice electronically based on their invoicing, volume or industry.

What is an electronic invoice? It is an invoice that is issued, transmitted, received, processed and stored electronically using specific document formats. Electronic invoices are digital throughout the life cycle of the document, from issuance to archiving.

Electronic invoicing solutions can help replace manual tasks with automated business rules and actions to increase efficiency, minimize error handling and comply with legislation.